Black Market Bikes Lives!

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UNITED ZOO collaborated with Black Market Bikes on their website redesign. Black Market Bikes was unhappy with their previous content management system and wanted a new responsive website they can update on the fly. UNITED ZOO looked at various content management systems (CMS) for them and finally decided to use WordPress since it fit most of their small business needs. Now Black Market Bikes can integrate many features to their site and stay within budget as well as update their website as needed. This is especially important for them because with a small staff their focus stays on bicycle builds/orders and not on website updates. Since changing to the new CMS Black Market Bikes sales and brand engagement has increased since it is visible within multiple devices.

Visit Black Market Bikes and explore for yourself. Maybe even call them and go for a bike ride and get rad!

We also work with Black Market Bikes on sticker kits for bicycles and collateral. View Work